Alexander Pond

Quick Bits

Main Activities - Hike,  Fish
Distance - 1.6 miles of trails
Quiet - very, especially as you get farther from school
Surface -  good condition, dirt log road;
Elevation -  moderately steep in sections, level around pond area
Pets - on leash
Address - Newark Valley, New York

Alexander Pond Map.jpg

In a Nutshell

Alexander Pond, also known as Alexander Lake., is a 14-acre pond surrounded by almost 100-acres. Most often a destination for locals fishing. There is also a large picnic pavilion. 

Location and Parking

As Alexander Pond is on Newark Valley Central School District property, how you'll access it, depends on if school is in session. If it is not in session, you can park at the Newark Valley Middle School. You'll cross the playing fields in the back of the school to enter the path to the woods.

When school is in session, there is an alternative entrance. Proceed west on Bridge Street, in 0.8 miles continue on the dirt road straight across the intersection, Barbertown Road. In another 0.8 miles a small sign on the right says "PARK". Follow this dirt road (called Delaney Road on some GPS apps but careful as there is another road of that name) up the hill and at 0.5 miles you'll see a small pavilion to the left and the road appears to split. The left turn goes past this small pavillion but is very rough and ends near pond but no real parking spaces. You can park near this pavillion or if you continue straight past here you'll come to the end of this road in about 150 yards. This is most often used to hand launch small boats. There is room for several cars just keep it clear for those turning around with trailers. Avoid driving this route in wet or snowy weather. 

For information on whether schools are in session see the Newark Valley school district website.

Google Maps to parking at the Middle School.

Sign at end of Barber Town Road pointing towards the Pond.

Google Maps to parking down the dirt road from the west

More details

This is often a destination for fishing and is listed as such on the New York DEC website. There is a 1.5 mile trail that goes from the Newark Valley Middle School grounds out to a large (20'x30') pavilion and the pond. Note that in some places, such as the DEC website, it is reference as Alexander Lake rather than Alexander Pond. The pond is about 14 acres, 0.7 miles of shoreline, and a maximum depth of 10 feet. There is a 1.5 mile trail to the pond from the Middle School which consists of a fairly wide log road.  There are informal trails around the pond that are unmarked. The DEC site lists: largemouth bass, bluegill, and pumpkinseed sunfish.

The trail from the Middle School starts out fairly steep, though the trail is wide and with few tripping hazards. You'll gain about 175 feet in the first quarter of a mile, but it's less steep after that. The environment changes along the way. There is a section of red pine which my guess is another parcel that was planted decades ago. Other parts are hardwood. It's very pretty as you break from the tree line to see the pond. The dam area and a good portion of the east shore by the pavilion is mowed periodically. Do not expect park-like lawn, but also don't expect chest-high grass.

I did find one red trail marker near the small pavilion off the dirt road, so looks like at one time perhaps trails were better maintained. The area is also used by the school for educational purposes. Some classes were involved with tree planting and other related research and study. 

With it being school property, there are some restrictions. No alcohol or tobacco. Motors or swimming are not permitted on the pond. It is open dawn to dusk.

Links of Interest