
This page contains some reference information about resources I use in Wander & Ponder that I thought might be of interest. You'll see a few sections below:

Like much of the web site, this is a work in process. 

Wandering Resources


In some ways, hiking is pretty straight forward. Put on a pair of shoes and walk. Actually, I guess shoes could even be optional. But I'll list a few things here any way.

Basic Equipment

Winter Hiking

Phone Apps

My phone is an android, Samsung, so the comments below are based on that platform unless otherwise mentioned.

Navigation and Tracking


Websites & Other Resources

Pondering Resources

Generating Thoughts

Capturing and Processing Thoughts

Production Resources

I've learned a lot in this process. Here are a few things that I use to pull things together. 

Recording Resources

I've used the following to capture audio and video for the YouTube videos and this website.

Workflow Resources

Website Resources