Feathered Friends

Below are some of the birds that I've seen around the house, with a few from elsewhere. I do have a habit of naming them. For some, if you click the picture, you'll go to a Flickr album of some of my favorite shots. Enjoy!

Barred Owl

Solomon is a barred owl. Named for wise King Solomon. I hear him a lot more than I see him.

Cooper's Hawk

Bradley is a Cooper's Hawk. Just happened to get a clip of him feeding on something.

American Crow

There is a murder of crows in the area, more than three, but I seldom see more than three at a time so I named them after the Pep Boys, Manny, Moe, & Jack. Album

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

This is Hello-Goodbye, or HG for short. He's a busy guy but would stop by the office window a lot while I was working from home during the pandemic.

Carolina Wren

This is Neil, named for Neil Diamond. He can sing when he wants. And sometimes sings to remind me the feeder needs filling.

Wild Turkey

These turkeys, that I call the Mummers, strut around more than just on New Year's day. Though their choreography is not as good as those Philadelphia performers.

Downy Woodpecker (F)

Cindy is named for Cindy Blackman a famous drummer who played with Lenny Kravitz and others. She's both shy, but curious and taps on everything to see what it is.

Downy Woodpecker (M)

Chad, as in Chad Smith the drummer from the Red Hot Chili Peppers, is a male Downy Woodpecker. He and Cindy often take turns hitting the feeder, but I've seen them together a few times. 

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Ria makes her presence known drumming away at the feeder or until recently one of the many dead Ash trees looking for bugs.

Blue Jay

Tony is named for Tony Fernandez who played shortstop for the Toronto Blue Jays. Like his namesake he's fast and doesn't let things get past him. Unlike the baseball playing Tony, this feathered Tony is quite noisy and a little bossy at times. Album

Tufted Titmouse

This is Timmy. He's a curious bird. He gets a little emotional at times, and his voice kind of echoes.

American Goldfinch

I call them the golden girls/guys. One that I see is Betty (White). Another is Maude. Maude is a bit of a bully. Betty is nice. Be like Betty.

Ruffed Grouse

This was an interesting encounter. I found Bertie in the Binghamton University Nature Preserve hiking. Or, I should say Bertie found me!

Black-capped Chickadee

These little guys are bold when hungry and always seem dressed for a formal dinner. Topper is coming in for a landing as Homburg takes off. Album

Dark-eyed Junco

This little guy, Snake Eyes, is seen more on the ground than perched at a feeder. Hopping around they get seed others might knock about. I enjoy seeing the dance patterns in the snow. Dark-eyed Juncos surprise me at times popping up where I don't expect them, like ninjas. 

White-breasted Nuthatch

These active little birds often act like they think they are larger birds. I like watching them on trees, walking down a trunk, going head first. There is a pair that visit (maybe more than one pair). Ken and Kendra.

Red-breasted Nuthatch

These long-billed small birds are often seen with other small birds. They have a fun sound.

Song Sparrow

This song sparrow seemed to be checking on me in the office, making sure I wasn't slacking off!

Northern Cardinal

Meet Stan, a Northern Cardinal. Named for the great Stan Musial. The focus is bad on this picture, but I got him in action.

Northern Cardinal

Stan Musial married Lillian Labash, so stood to reason that feathered Stan's mate was also named Lillian. 

Chipping Sparrow

Crum is being cautious as first time at the feeder. He's named for George Crum who, according to one legend created the potato chip.

Purple Finch

I've seen two males who I have named Periwinkle and Mulberry. I am hoping there are some females around also.

Red-winged Blackbird

Gordie (Howe) first showed up during a spring snow squall in 2023. As a non-breeding male, he doesn't have the full re-wing. At least not yet. I am hoping he returns with Colleen.

Mourning Dove

This is Weep, a Mourning Dove. They usually are feeding off the ground, so it's fun to see them in the tree on occasion. Weep's friend is named Sorrow.

Baltimore Oriole

Very excited to see first one in the yard in 2024. Though I had to bribe it with some jelly. Meet Camden.